Medicine Review with Sentiment Analysis - ML
Category: Artificial Intelligence
Sentiment Analysis on medicine reviews:
- Data pre-processing (feature extraction, removing stop words, punctuations, stemming, lemmatization etc.).
- Run models.
- Conclude and visualize data (accuracy, confusion matrix etc.).
Binary Class:
- Naive Bayes : 53 %.
- Adaboost : 89 %.
- Logistic Regression : 80 %
- CatBoost : 90.7 %.
Multi-class (5-class):
Class Count:
- 0 Highly Effective 1741.
- 1 Considerably Effective 1238.
- 2 Moderately Effective 572.
- 3 Ineffective 329
- 4 Marginally Effective 263.
- Naive Bayes : 34 %.
- Adaboost : 44 %.
- Logistic Regression : 48 %.